Investment in the True Self

photo credit: Mara ~earth light~ via photopin cc

with photo credit: Mara ~earth light~ via photopin cc

Investment in the True Self is the Possibility of Transformation, which is essential for the survival of our species.  It is the experience of totality, the universe, source, it’s secrets, mysteries and ultimate challenges that await, always, all ways within the authentic heart of man.  It is the ability to kneel, head below heart, intellect subdued, that one might humbly experience the magnificence of this universe and ourselves in it.  That in Investing in the True Self we cast out cultural (cult you are all) understanding of the self and other to embrace our human potential and the Possibility of Transformation with love and unconditional positive regard.  Investment in the True Self, is giving in order that you may benefit in the receiving, that this world might be better for it.

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